Dog Breeds

  • Portuguese Podengo Pequeno

    This Podengo Pequeño is built close to the ground and has a body that's a little longer than it is tall. The breed also has flexible little cat-like feet, a hardy coat, and a fantastic sense of hearing that allows it to plunge through thick brush while tracking prey.

  • Group: Terrier
    Lifespan: 12–15 yr
    Height: 8–12 in
    Weight: 9–13 lb

  • Care

    To avoid tangles in the Podengo Pequeño's wire coat, routine brushing followed by a quick combing should do the trick. For the smooth-coated variety, an occasional wipe-down with a damp cloth should be adequate. Neither type requires haircuts. Portuguese Podengos also need periodic baths and monthly nail trims. It's also a good habit to inspect your dog's ears frequently for wax buildup and debris. Finally, all dogs need dental care, which should include daily teeth brushing and occasional professional cleanings. Maintaining good dental hygiene is essential for your pup's overall health.

    Portuguese Podengos also need periodic baths and monthly nail trims. It's also a good habit to inspect your dog's ears frequently for wax buildup and debris.

  • Disorders

    Always visit a professional veterinarian if you believe your dog may have health issues.