Dog Breeds

  • Portuguese Podengo Medio

    The medium-sized Portuguese Podengo Médio has a slender square body that's well-proportioned and muscular.

  • Group: Terrier
    Lifespan: 10–14 yr
    Height: 16–22 in
    Weight: 35–44 lb

  • Care

    Wire-haired Podengos shed in sections. So, you should brush regularly to remove dead hair and keep your dog's coat looking its best. Smooth-coated dogs don't need as much grooming—an occasional sweep with a brush will do. Portuguese Podengos need periodic baths and monthly nail trims. It's also a good habit to inspect your dog's ears frequently for wax buildup and debris. All dogs need dental care, which should include daily teeth brushing and occasional professional cleanings. Maintaining good dental hygiene is essential for your pup's overall health.

    Portuguese Podengos need periodic baths and monthly nail trims. It's also a good habit to inspect your dog's ears frequently for wax buildup and debris.

  • Disorders

    Always visit a professional veterinarian if you believe your dog may have health issues.