Dog Breeds

  • Saint Bernard

    A powerful workhorse of a dog, the Saint Bernard has a boisterous presence, and can be intimidating if not for their friendly and caring nature. They look intelligent, with a too-serious expression—like they are ready to save you at any instant!

  • Group: Mountain Dogs
    Lifespan: 7–10 yr
    Height: 32–36 in
    Weight: 106–186 lb

  • Care

    The Saint Bernard’s thick, bushy coat needs weekly brushing, and baths as necessary. When they shed, they will need brushing daily. The nails can grow quickly and should be trimmed if they’re not worn down with exercise. All dogs require regular dental care, including at-home teeth brushing and professional dental cleanings, and Saint Bernard is no exception. Maintaining good dental hygiene is important for their overall long-term health.

    The Saint Bernard’s thick, bushy coat needs weekly brushing, and baths as necessary. When they shed, they will need brushing daily. The nails can grow quickly and should be trimmed if they’re not worn down with exercise.

  • Disorders

    Dilated cardiomyopathy Gastric dilatation-volvulus, Hip dysplasia
    Cataracts, Coagulation (bleeding) disorders Cutaneous asthenia ( Ehlers- Danlos syndrome) Dermoids Ectropion Elbow dysplasia - O C D of the elbow Entropion Exposure keratopathy syndrome (exophthalmos, lagophthalmos, and/or macroblepharon) Eyelash abnormalities Idiopathic epilepsy Microphthalmia; ocular dysgenesis Third eyelid (nictitating membrane) abnormalities - "cherry eye"
    Optic nerve hypoplasia and micropapilla Retinal dysplasiasebaceous adenitis

    Always visit a professional veterinarian if you believe your dog may have health issues.