Dog Breeds

  • Rottweiler

    Medium-large in size, the Rottweiler has a reputation for being a hearty, strong, working dog. The breed has an excessively stocky look, with a broad chest, long back, and thick legs.

  • Group: Guard
    Lifespan: 8–12 yr
    Height: 23–27 in
    Weight: 72–132 lb

  • Care

    Rottweilers require weekly brushing and regular baths. For most of the year, shedding is very moderate—though it will be more substantial in the spring and fall. Weekly nail trims and regular at-home dental care—including teeth brushing—are ideal for this breed.

    Rottweilers require weekly brushing and regular baths. For most of the year, shedding is very moderate—though it will be more substantial in the spring and fall.

  • Disorders

    Subaortic stenosis Elbow dysplasia - O C D of the elbow, Hip dysplasia
    Cataracts, Cervical vertebral instability ( Wobbler syndrome) Deafness Demodicosis/ Demodectic mange Entropion Familial kidney disease Histiocytosis Hyperadrenocorticism ( Cushing's syndrome) Neuroaxonal dystrophy Pancreatitis Progressive retinal atrophy Retinal dysplasia X-linked muscular dystrophy
    Corneal dystrophy Familial kidney disease Gastric dilatation-volvulus Hemivertebra Leukodystrophies Microphthalmia; ocular dysgenesisvitiligo

    Always visit a professional veterinarian if you believe your dog may have health issues.