Dog Breeds

  • Great Dane

    Great Danes are impressive giants that loom over most other dogs. The breed has a sleek, athletic build and a muscular, yet elegant, body.

  • Group: Guard
    Lifespan: 6–10 yr
    Height: 29–35 in
    Weight: 96–153 lb

  • Care

    Great Danes generally don't shed much due to their short, smooth coat. But during shedding season (happens once or twice a year), they may leave behind quite a lot of hair. You can keep shedding to a minimum by brushing your pup weekly with a medium-bristle brush, rubber grooming mitt or tool, or hound glove. Great Danes only need occasional baths unless they get into something that makes them particularly dirty—which isn't unheard of for these goofs! As with all breeds, regular nail trimming is a must. Overly long nails can cause the dog pain and problems walking or running.

    Great Danes are prone to bloat (also known as twisted stomach). To help prevent bloat, break up their daily feedings into several meals, and use a food bowl designed to slow their rate of eating. When timing meals, avoid feeding them immediately before or after vigorous activity.

  • Disorders

    Dilated cardiomyopathy, Cervical vertebral instability ( Wobbler syndrome) Gastric dilatation-volvulus, Hip dysplasia
    Subaortic stenosis, Cataracts, Deafness, Demodicosis/ Demodectic mange Ectropion Entropion Glaucoma Hypothyroidism Megaesophagus Microphthalmia; ocular dysgenesis, Mitral valve dysplasia, Persistent right aortic arch ( vascular ring anomaly ) Progressive retinal atrophy, Tricuspid valve dysplasia, zinc-responsive dermatosis
    acral lick dermatitis (lick granuloma) Elbow dysplasia - O C D of the elbow Retinal dysplasia

    Always visit a professional veterinarian if you believe your dog may have health issues.