Dog Breeds

  • American Foxhound

    The American Foxhound has a moderately long, muscular and strong body with large eyes and a gentle, pleading expression.

  • Group: Hound
    Lifespan: 11–13 yr
    Height: 21–25 in
    Weight: 42–67 lb

  • Care

    The American Foxhound has a short coat with a hard texture that’s easy to care for. Weekly grooming sessions with a bristle brush or grooming mitt should be all you need to handle stray hairs and keep shedding at bay. Bathing isn’t usually necessary, either, unless your Foxhound has gotten into something outside. All dogs require regular dental care, including at-home teeth brushing and professional dental cleanings, and American Foxhound is no exception. Maintaining good dental hygiene is important for their overall long-term health.

    The American Foxhound has a short coat with a hard texture that’s easy to care for. Weekly grooming sessions with a bristle brush or grooming mitt should be all you need to handle stray hairs and keep shedding at bay. Bathing isn’t usually necessary, either, unless your Foxhound has gotten into something outside.

  • Disorders

    Always visit a professional veterinarian if you believe your dog may have health issues.