Dog Breeds

  • Keeshond

    Keeshonden are handsome with well-balanced proportions, an alert carriage, and fox-like expressions. These are medium-sized, square-appearing dogs with adaptable personalities.

  • Group: Companion
    Lifespan: 12–15 yr
    Height: 17–19 in
    Weight: 28–60 lb

  • Care

    Looking at these long-haired dogs, it should come as no surprise that Keeshonden require regular grooming. Brushing them with a pin brush at least once per week will remove dirt and dead hair. Keeshonden do not require full trimming—though cleaning up the hair around the hocks, feet, and pads can keep them looking tidy. Remember to clean their ears and trim their nails to prevent splitting, cracking and painful, overgrown nails. Prioritize regular dental care, beginning at a young age. Start a routine that includes at-home teeth brushing and consult a veterinarian about professional cleanings to ensure good oral hygiene throughout their lives.

    Looking at these long-haired dogs, it should come as no surprise that Keeshonden require regular grooming. Brushing them with a pin brush at least once per week will remove dirt and dead hair. Keeshonden do not require full trimming—though cleaning up the hair around the hocks, feet, and pads can keep them looking tidy. Remember to clean their ears and trim their nails to prevent splitting, cracking and painful, overgrown nails.

  • Disorders

    Hip dysplasia
    Diabetes mellitus, Growth hormone-responsive dermatosis; adrenal sex hormone responsive dermatosis, Idiopathic epilepsy, Patent ductus arteriosus ( P D A) Progressive retinal atrophy, Tetralogy of Fallot, Ventricular septal defect ( V S D)
    Cataracts Glaucoma Cutaneous asthenia ( Ehlers- Danlos syndrome)

    Always visit a professional veterinarian if you believe your dog may have health issues.